
Selasa, 17 Juli 2012

Aksi Lucu Anak Kucing,Bebek dan Anjing Ketika Poto Bareng

Gambar menggemaskan berikut ini di ambil oleh Seorang fotografer Inggris dari anak kucing,anjing, bahkan anak bebek .fotografer mark taylor memang terkenal sebagai sosok fotografer yang biasa mengabadikan momen-momen hewan lucu dari berbagai belahan dunia.

Fosset cuddles up to his gosling friend: Mr Taylor's photographs are a legacy from his late mother Jane Burton who pioneered the style

Hear me roar: Kittens Stanley and Fosset have a cuddle


King of the castle: Stanley climbs on top of Fosset

Not just for Christmas: Stanley and Fosset pose inside a gift box


For me? Stanley poses with a flower

Oh you! Stanley gestures towards the camera as he lies in a hammock


Keeping it in the family: Mr Taylor's daughter Siena, pictured with Stanley, helps to pose the animals for her father's photoshoots

You wanna start something? Stanley goes nose to nose with a Bichon Fris

My big mate: Stanley nuzzles up with Great Dane pup Tia



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